Concordia University Wisconsin’s dual degree program with Shanghai Normal University Tianhua College kicked off this past Thursday, September 21st. Eighty-five Chinese freshmen aiming for the B.S. in Rehabilitation Science degree apprehensively yet eagerly attended their first day of classes at Tianhua College in Shanghai, China. Dr. Zhu, Yaping, Dean of the Tianhua Rehabilitation Science School is enthusiastically preparing the students for their 3rd year at CUW by instituting an English only policy in his medical terminology class with these pupils. Learning the terms in English is quite challenging for these young scholars, but Dr. Zhu is confident they’ll succeed. Prof. Damian Wyman, currently representing Concordia University gathered the students to introduce the university.
On 9/21, these joint program students learned about the international center, cadaver lab, daily chapel, dorms, and NiHao Chinese club. Some students expressed their delight over the CUW dorms, as college students in China generally reside in 8-person dorm rooms. Students were most excited about coming to understand the differences in culture between China and America. Student Liu Jiayi said she was nervous about her English and being so far from home. Many students shared these sentiments. Prof. Jenna Gorniack, a Concordia Irvine masters student, is teaching the group an English Literature course this semester. Let’s pray for these students’ learning and preparation so that they’ll be ready for life at CUW in the Fall of 2019!